Corporate Services

The challenge

An alternative

Coherent Business Living Program

A science backed education and long-term sustainment program for leaders and employees in the workplace.

Easy-to-learn practical techniques and knowledge that performed regularly reduce stress, improve mental wellness, self-regulation, personal resilience and relationships, with measurable results.

Based in 30+ years of research from the HeartMath Institute

Results of coherence-based training observed in as little as 6-9 weeks

The breakdown

The Coherent Business Living Program is broken down into four main offering categories, that can be combined or individual. It is fully customizable to your organizational needs.

1. Coherence Workshop Series

This is a six-part program designed to provide practical knowledge, science, and techniques for developing a mind training practice. Each session lasts 1 to 2 hours and focuses on building personal resilience, self-awareness, self-regulation, and improving relationships.

Suitable for any group of 10 to 15 individuals committed to attending all six sessions.

2. Team Coherence Program

Comprehensive program designed for teams to improve collaboration and performance. It includes a full-day workshop focusing on creating a safe space, encouraging vulnerability, holding shared beliefs about mental health, and building deep connections with peers. Regular follow-up sessions with the team ensure commitment and accountability to continue practising the techniques together.

Ideal for new or existing teams of up to 10 individuals who share common objectives and whose collaboration is crucial to their joint effectiveness.

Delivery is in-person with an instructor for the workshop and follow-ups with a coach.

3. Brain-Heart Coherence practice

Weekly 30-minute mindfulness teaching sessions focused on different aspects of personal development, including resilience, self-awareness, self-regulation, communication, self-care, and empathy. Each session provides participants with a learning topic and technique based on HeartMath Institute research and techniques.

Open to anyone interested in improving these areas, with no commitment required on the number of sessions to attend.

4. Leadership Coherence Program

Combination of 90-minute training sessions and one-on-one coaching. The aim is to provide participants with practical knowledge, science, and techniques to tap into intuitive creativity and decision-making, as well as to develop self-awareness and insights to build a culture of psychological safety, personal accountability, and engagement.

This program is designed for groups of up to 5 senior leaders looking to improve in these areas.

Performance and achievement don't have to be at odds with enjoyment and safety in the workplace. In the fast-paced corporate world, change and challenges are inevitable. However, they don't have to result in chronic stress and anxiety, leading to absenteeism and health problems.

Change starts with an open conversation.